Pertanyaan Wawancara Excel

50 Basic Excel Interview Questions

Are you an HR professional looking to recruit the best candidate for your organization’s Excel-related positions? If so, you’ll want to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the most commonly asked Excel interview questions. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 50 basic Excel interview questions, categorized by topic, to help you identify the most qualified candidates.

Read full also: The Future of Recruitment: Online Interviews Statistic Trend in 2023

Excel Basics

  1. What is Excel?
  2. What are the main components of the Excel interface?
  3. How do you create a new workbook in Excel?
  4. What is a cell in Excel?
  5. How do you select a cell in Excel?
  6. What is a range in Excel?
  7. How do you select a range in Excel?
  8. How do you copy and paste data in Excel?
  9. What is a formula in Excel?
  10. How do you create a formula in Excel?


  1. How do you change the font size in Excel?
  2. How do you change the font color in Excel?
  3. How do you change the background color of a cell in Excel?
  4. How do you align text in Excel?
  5. How do you wrap text in Excel?
  6. How do you merge cells in Excel?
  7. How do you apply borders to cells in Excel?
  8. How do you apply conditional formatting in Excel?


  1. What is a function in Excel?
  2. What is the SUM function in Excel?
  3. What is the AVERAGE function in Excel?
  4. What is the MAX function in Excel?
  5. What is the MIN function in Excel?
  6. What is the COUNT function in Excel?
  7. What is the IF function in Excel?
  8. What is the VLOOKUP function in Excel?
  9. What is the HLOOKUP function in Excel?
Read full also: Online Interview Tips: How to Recruit the Best Candidates

Charts and Graphs

  1. What is a chart in Excel?
  2. How do you create a chart in Excel?
  3. What are the different types of charts in Excel?
  4. What is a pivot table in Excel?
  5. How do you create a pivot table in Excel?
  6. What is a pivot chart in Excel?
  7. How do you create a pivot chart in Excel?


  1. What is a macro in Excel?
  2. How do you record a macro in Excel?
  3. How do you run a macro in Excel?
  4. How do you edit a macro in Excel?

Advanced Topics

  1. What is conditional formatting in Excel?
  2. What is data validation in Excel?
  3. What is filtering in Excel?
  4. What is sorting in Excel?
  5. What is grouping in Excel?
  6. What is subtotaling in Excel?
  7. What is data analysis in Excel?
  8. What is Solver in Excel?
  9. What is Goal Seek in Excel?
  10. What is Scenario Manager in Excel?
  11. What is the Data Table in Excel?
  12. What is the Consolidate function in Excel?

We hope these questions help you find the best candidate for your Excel-related position. If you’re looking for additional resources to help with Excel recruitment, Algobash offers comprehensive assessments and training programs for Excel proficiency.

Read full also: How to Conduct Successful Online Interviews for Hiring
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