Behavioral Interview Techniques for Evaluating Employee Skills

Behavioral Interview Techniques for Evaluating Employee Skills

When it comes to hiring new employees, assessing their skills is paramount. There are various ways to determine whether a candidate possesses the required skills for a specific role. Among the most effective methods is evaluating candidates through behavioral interview.

If you’re considering incorporating the behavioral interview technique into your company’s recruitment process, this article is your ultimate guide. We will delve into the intricacies of behavioral interviews, covering everything from definitions, benefits, drawbacks, to practical tips for effective implementation.

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What is a Behavioral Interview?

The behavioral interview technique places strong emphasis on assessing a candidate’s past behaviors in relevant situations to predict their fit and success if hired. Today, behavioral interviews have gained immense popularity, being widely adopted by HR professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers across diverse industries.

But what exactly is a behavioral interview? A behavioral interview is a method used to assess a candidate’s qualifications and potential by evaluating their past behaviors in relevant contexts. In essence, candidates are prompted to provide examples of how they dealt with specific situations related to the job in their previous experiences.

During these interviews, recruiters or interviewers often ask candidates to share specific instances from their past, whether they pertain to previous jobs or other relevant situations like college experiences. The aim is to unearth how candidates tackled challenges and real-life scenarios in the past, which can serve as robust indicators of their future performance.

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Benefits of Behavioral Interviews

Why are behavioral interviews gaining traction? According to a study by, behavioral interviews predict future employee performance by up to 55%, in contrast to the mere 10% accuracy associated with traditional interviews. This is because behavioral interviews offer a range of advantages that enable recruiters to effectively evaluate and hire the right candidates.

Advantages of Behavioral Interview:

  1. Precise Performance Prediction: Behavioral interviews excel at accurately predicting a candidate’s future performance. By delving into a candidate’s perspectives, motivations, and reasoning through their past experiences, recruiters can gauge their ability to excel in analogous situations in the future.
  2. Bias Mitigation and Enhanced Consistency: Bias is a common pitfall during interviews. Behavioral interviews mitigate this concern by ensuring more consistent evaluations. Focusing on candidates’ behaviors in handling specific work-related situations helps eliminate personal traits such as gender, religion, age, race, nationality, and more. Furthermore, standardized questioning minimizes bias, promoting equitable and consistent assessments.
  3. In-Depth Assessment: Behavioral interviews encourage candidates to provide specific examples of their skills, competencies, and problem-solving abilities in prior work scenarios. This diverges from conventional interviews that allow candidates to respond more broadly. For instance, if a candidate claims proficiency in negotiation, they can be prompted to share a past instance demonstrating this skill. This way, the candidate’s suitability for the role can be effectively evaluated.
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Limitations of Behavioral Interviews

Despite their merits, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of behavioral interviews before integrating the technique. Here are several considerations:

  1. Heightened Preparation: Behavioral interviews necessitate comprehensive preparation compared to other alternative interview methods. Recruiters or interviewers must meticulously craft a set of questions that elicit detailed responses regarding candidates’ experiences. Moreover, since candidates possess diverse skills and experiences, an individualized analysis of each candidate’s CV is crucial to formulate relevant questions.
  2. Narrowed Evaluation Scope: Excessive emphasis on behavioral questions could inadvertently restrict the evaluation process. Hyper-focusing on candidates’ past experiences may inadvertently exclude those with limited relevant experience, such as fresh graduates or career changers. Relying solely on behavioral interviews might sideline essential factors like cultural alignment or a candidate’s potential for growth.
  3. Varied Predictive Accuracy: While behavioral interviews effectively gauge candidates’ performance in specific past situations, they’re not infallible predictors of future performance. While some candidates may excel in certain scenarios, others might not have succeeded due to a variety of reasons. Each candidate might require a distinct evaluation approach. While behavioral interviews are exceptional for assessing performance in specific pertinent situations, they’re not the sole method for maximizing candidate evaluation.

Effective Strategies for Conducting Behavioral Interviews

To harness the potential of behavioral interviews for skill assessment, consider these tactics:

  1. Thorough Preparation: Familiarize yourself with the job description and essential competencies. Craft questions directly aligned with skills and qualities crucial for success in the role you’re hiring for.
  2. Employ the STAR Method: Structure your questions using the STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This guides candidates to provide comprehensive and structured responses.
  3. Probe with Detail: When a candidate’s response lacks clarity, inquire further to gain deeper insight into their actions and thoughts.
  4. Identify Patterns: Detect recurrent themes or behaviors in candidates’ responses. Consistent patterns offer valuable insights into their character and work style.
  5. Cultural Fit Evaluation: While concentrating on behaviors, also evaluate whether candidates’ values harmonize with the company culture. This ensures a harmonious work environment.
  6. Balancing with Alternate Assessments: While behavioral interviews yield insightful information, they shouldn’t serve as the exclusive basis for hiring determinations. Combine outcomes with other evaluation methods, such as technical assessments and cultural fit interviews.
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In Conclusion

Behavioral interviews furnish invaluable insights for recruiters to evaluate candidate suitability based on past behaviors and actions. This method excels in assessing skills by posing questions that elicit examples of candidates’ capabilities in past work-related situations.

To integrate the behavioral interview technique and optimize your company’s interview process, consider the Algobash interview and pre-employment testing platform. Algobash presents a diverse question repository crafted by experts, encompassing behavioral questions. These questions can be tailored to align with your company’s standards. Candidates can readily respond through Algobash’s automated interview feature.

Algobash streamlines interviews, eliminating the need to individually review numerous candidate interviews. You can evaluate candidates collectively, anytime and anywhere.

Ready to deploy the behavioral interview technique and elevate your company’s interview process to uncover the ideal-fit candidates? Request an Algobash demo now or explore the free seven-day trial.

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