Algobash End-To-End Assessment Platform
Skip the Guesswork
Ace your hiring game
Effortlessly uncover top candidates with our talent assessments.
These companies and more are collectively assessing over 80,000+ talents with us
Assess to Boost the company’s Productivity
Assessments are important for businesses of all types and sizes.
Increase productivity by leveraging accurate data on candidates’ skills and abilities to select the best talent for your company.
Unlocking the easy way of hiring
in just 3 steps away
in just 3 steps away
Pick Your Test
Assign AI interview, personality test, and skill test in one link
Invite Candidates
Send the invitation through email or by link
Download the report
We handle the monitoring and scoring automatically
We take care of the heavy lifting, freeing you to focus on making decision
Explore our end-to-end assessment platform main features
AI Interview
Automatically checking interview answer correctness – 100% AI-powered.
Culture Fit and Personality Test
Understand candidate’s value deeper to ensure great collaboration.
Cognitive Test
Evaluate candidate’s core reasoning and analytical ability essential for the job.
On-Job Technical Skill Test
Evaluate candidate’s ability to answer through a real job scenario analysis.
Typing Test
Assess candidate’s typing speed and accuracy.
Coming Soon