How To Pass a Coding Test: 4 Essential Things You Should Do

How To Pass a Coding Test: 4 Essential Things You Should Do

How to Pass a Coding Test – The coding test is a process that is almost always there when you follow the stages of the recruitment process for a developer position. In this stage, your ability to do coding will be tested by the recruiter.

This stage is a phase that is quite difficult and stressful. Not infrequently those who experience failure are forced to be eliminated from the selection process. Of course, you don’t want that to happen, do you? So, to get around this, Algobash will show you how to pass a coding test.

So what should be done to be successful in dealing with coding tests? If you are curious to know the answer, read more information in the following Algobash review.

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What is a Coding Test?

Coding tests are given by companies to test the ability of candidates usually vary. The type of test you will take depends on which company you are applying for. Every company has its standards and methods.

Coding tests that are commonly given by companies are usually in two forms, namely basic programming tests or mini-project assignments. Both have their level of difficulty.

So for you to be successful in dealing with both, there are many ways to successfully deal with coding tests that you can follow.

This is How to Pass a Coding Test

1. Master Basic Programming

Great success usually begins with small habits. This also applies to coding tests. So that you can successfully deal with it, then make sure you master basic programs such as Variable Declarations, Operands, Looping structures, Control structures, and Program Structures.

Even though you may already know how to code, continuing to learn new things or reviewing basic programming that you already know is very useful because it can make you better at it. So, keep studying!

2. Doing company research

The second way you can successfully face a coding test is to research companies that are trying to recruit you and give you a coding test.

Find out how they usually do coding tests. Sometimes, some companies provide a coding test with the same questions over and over again every time they recruit for a developer position.

If you already know what kind of coding test they usually give. Practice your ability to complete coding tests with formulas from companies trying to hire you.

Try various ways to solve it so you can find out which way is the most effective and efficient way of coding tests correctly.

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3. Focus on the programming language that you are good at!

Focus on the programming language that you are good at. But you also have to learn other programming languages. Usually, many companies use C/C++ as the language they use in their coding tests.

4. Practice, Practice, and Practice

When you want to win a sports competition, practicing is a very important thing to do. By practicing the skills you have, you will be more honed and good.

Likewise, when you want to succeed in facing a coding test, the best strategy that can be done is to practice, practice, and practice.

Use various methods or approaches that can be done during practice to complete a coding test. This will help you to further sharpen your coding skills.

The more you practice, the more familiar you will be in dealing with coding. So don’t start to practice coding, especially now that many websites can help you practice.

How to Pass a Coding Test with Algobash

Those are some ways to pass a coding test that you can do. How can the things mentioned above help you to prepare for the coding test well?

Try to practice all of the above regularly so that you are better prepared for coding tests later. In addition to the above methods, you can also join the Algobash talent pool to practice programming to the fullest.

Algobash is a programming skill training platform for thousands of developers in Indonesia. Through Algobash you can take part in training or coding competitions that are held every year.

Apart from being a place to learn, you can also easily get opportunities to be recruited by technology companies because Algobash has worked with many companies ranging from startups, fintech, banks, corporations, and many more.

If you are interested in knowing more information about Algobash, you can visit our website Let’s improve your programming competence and start getting jobs faster and more accurately with Algobash!

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