Types of Pre-Employment Test for Hiring Best Candidates

Types of Pre-Employment Test for Hiring Best Candidates

Every recruiter wants the best potential employees who can join them to advance the organization. You can do many ways to make this happen. One of them is by providing several types of pre-employment tests to measure the extent of the candidate’s choice with the company, ranging from personality, technical skills, soft skills, culture fit, and many more. again.

Pre-employment testing is one of the best ways to assess candidates. With this, you can make an objective prediction about the candidate who has the best abilities and is most suitable to fill one of the job positions that your organization wants.

Currently, there are many types of pre-employment test that you can use to select potential employees. However, before using one of them, you must know very well the usefulness of the assessment you want to choose.

So, what are the types of pre-employment tests to assess potential employees? Well, for those of you who want to know about this, in this article Algobash will present complete information for you.

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10 Types of Pre-Employment Test

There are many types of pre-employment test to assess potential candidates and you can choose one of them. To find out what types and their uses, you can read more information below.

Here are the types of pre-employment test you should know:

1. Psychometric Test

If you want to see the cognitive abilities of prospective employees, then this test is very appropriate to apply. Yes, the purpose of psychometric tests is to measure the cognitive potential of an employee. Usually, this test is used to assess three important areas to be assessed. Some of the things that will be assessed are abstract, verbal, and numerical reasoning.

This is one of the most popular and widely used types of pre-employment testing. Many use this test to objectively test the candidate’s potential to carry out the job in the position they are applying for.

In addition to being objective, this pre-employment testing also has other advantages, namely being accurate and fast. Psychometric tests have a fairly high level of accuracy in predicting the performance of a prospective employee. The reason is that the tests given are science-based which is quite complex.

Then, this test can also help the recruitment process quickly because many candidates will be eliminated after undergoing psychometric tests.

The remaining candidates are only those who qualify at this stage and are predicted to have a good performance. So, as a result, you can quickly choose which candidate is the most suitable to be invited to join in advancing the organization.

2. Inventory or self preference

The purpose of using this type of test is to assess prospective employees when faced with certain situations such as working conditions, work motivation, social situations, work methods, and attitudes. This test is certainly very useful for you to find out the personality, interests, attitudes, and even values ​​of prospective employees through the choices they make.

3. Case analysis

You can give prospective employees certain cases for further analysis. Through pre-employment testing, you can assess how prospective employees solve problems or see the problem from a certain point of view that leads to solutions related to the analyzed case.

4. Graphology

This type of test allows you to rate potential employees based on their signatures. This is a graphic test that can give you an idea of ​​things like the intelligence or self-image of a potential employee.

5. Army Alpha Intelligence Test

If you want to know how prospective employees respond to an order. So this test is very necessary to be applied. Through this test, you can test them by giving 12 Army Alpha Intelligence Test questions that contain a series of combinations of numbers or shapes.

To answer all the questions given, a prospective employee must focus on the words that you or the examiner say. This way it can make it easier for you to test the responsiveness of prospective employees in receiving orders.

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6. SSCT Test (Sack’s Sentence Completion Test)

This test requires prospective employees to answer each test question given according to their feelings or thoughts when the test is in progress. Through this test, you can find out what prospective employees think about the current situation around them, such as family, coworkers, or other social relationships.


The next pre-employment test that you can use is the DISC test. This is a fairly easy assessment to apply when recruiting prospective employees. Through this test, you will find out various things ranging from the character of prospective employees, how prospective employees communicate with others, the personality that prospective employees have, to how prospective employees manage stress when faced with pressure.

8. Papi Kostick Test

Almost the same as the SSCT test. In this test, the candidate must answer several questions on a piece of paper. Where the answers they give can only be based on doing what they feel or think. Through this type of pre-employment testing, you can find out their nature or personality.

9. Kraepelin Test

If you want to see how the resilience, thoroughness, and speed of prospective employees work when faced with pressure. Then use the Kraepelin test, this pre-employment test can assess all of the things mentioned by giving prospective employees a test containing a numbers game and asking them to count or add certain numbers according to the columns provided in the test.

10. EEPS (Edwards Personal Preference Scale)

The last type of pre-employment testing that can be given to assess potential employees is through EEPS. Through this test, you can test the leadership spirit of prospective candidates such as how they socialize and solve problems. Not only that, but this test is also very useful for testing the achievements and organization of prospective employees.

So, those are some types of pre-employment testing that you can use to find the right candidate for your organization. You must know the various types of tests that have been mentioned.

This is because not all assessments can give the right results if used for all testing needs. For example, if you want to test an employee’s cognitive abilities, then use a psychometric test instead of a papikostic test. Likewise vice versa.

You can adjust your recruitment needs to the type of test you will choose to get maximum results.

How to Effectively Provide Types of Pre-Employment Tests?

In addition to choosing the right type of test to assess prospective employees, one of the important things to do to run effective pre-employment testing is to use accurate technology that can help your organization in testing potential employees easily, quickly, and accurately.

You can use pre-employment testing tools from Algobash. This tool supports almost all types of pre-employment testing mentioned above. In addition, this tool is also very suitable for testing prospective employees objectively, effectively, and efficiently for all types of work fields and of course very easy to use.

You also don’t have to worry about expensive fees, Algobash is the cheapest pre-employment testing platform as well as a talent pool right now. With whomever you compare, ours is much cheaper.

If you are interested in knowing more about Algobash, visit our website Algobash.com or if you are interested in knowing other useful information about recruitment and technology, you can visit Algobash insights to find a variety of interesting articles.

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